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This resource represents a digital lock key, a LIVE Lock key wrapped into an InVue Certificate that is used by the Mobile SDK to open locks in conjunction with a Customer Intermediate Certificate.

The creation of such a Key Certificate requires a Customer Intermediate Certificate for signature.


Creating a Key Certificate.

This request is used to enroll new locks and procure the Key Certificate required to operate the lock. The Lock Serial Number is the primary key here and can not be registered twice. The key certificates are unique for each lock.


Example request:

POST /v1/dlock HTTP/1.1


Authorization: Bearer 181d415f34379af07b2c11d144dfbe35d.181d415f34379af07b2c11d144dfbe35d.181d415f34379af07b2c11d144dfbe35d

Content-Type: application/json

Accept: application/json

Accept-Charset: utf-8


"serial_no" : "0000051a00000005",

"type": "CAM",

"certificate": "Certificate Owner",

"enrolment_code": "Uyu7y0bmu5sTdGwN1GcJHK3MnPYGc1n2fuYFz8TbVgbvRNk7tgfxE1eLLrWium0T+64Ra4KOzZy1u/Ha+i/UeoGdBk+tY/Kle/Nr8e2gkksl1BMpijWSY/tvhFBqFhcUPbkCagN6ep2azG2Ir8y8r5IySY9mwHZlRbfQxsM43LdcpDcYK9m0WO0A7fGEmB+cZ7u9uLuqkJ04oNC+4p1X4N9n4yMdvUF3SQLQOgFHfjkv0w67+TJq5J4uY/6x6G+2kwAFROO4VJgaAG/CO7GJZ/xIDxe52PgGj6AwojCqRMBZUXvDrC8Hg/JCQdjPSyv5T+MvFXMucoCdwpvr09Lu4A==",

"base64": true


Where JSON parameters are:

serial_nostringThe serial number of the lock to be provisioned/registered
typestringThe type of lock. This can be an empty string.
certificatestringThe owner value of your certificate, also referred to as the certificate name. This will be provided with the Customer Intermediate Certificate.
enrolment_codestringThis is the enrolment code returned by the lock. It will be used by the API to calculate the key for this lock.
base64BooleanWhen true, will return the Key Certificate in base64 encoding. This is the format required by the Mobile SDK. When false, the certificate is returned in its native JSON format. If you get the certificate this way, you will need to do the base64 encoding yourself. Alternatively, you can do a GET to request the certificate in any format.


Example response with base64 = true:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


"status": 200,

"msg": "DLock registered successfully",

"data": {




Example response with base64 = false:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


"status": 200,

"msg": "DLock registered successfully",

"data": {

"key": {

"type": "key",

"issuer": "customer",

"valid": 0,

"expires": 0,

"data": {},

"key": "JhbnYdsos2q+VDPASclDDKdXMZ3yK42/JM+A/2d2Zq1GTM3MkyD+As/S0hbUAls454F/NtBtbXHOsvCDGhorD1/lK2wFIB5o6K7N2R+nqlGfcQldiouYZI7t/POgs7li0oigF587y9aB6CAa2T8QbpbMYC6SdIkpXLw792VAsFP45hzyd+gn3Y0HoJtYLH86V2qbQvAeKdlqWxwb26LnJA8IeSs0/bx+1APe9GT5V30iDdUqPu5fAxurJrGisiZDr7mZLLPoFe90Yw3aveiCt8LDCMQBw3UnhtD3kQAzkRanVQWbsJOFy7RRBqI2t/4Pok97bYOPU6SrZQ9fdHLv+w==",

"signature": "larO9Zty6nCG3DL64METR3yxDseSvgEshf7u6cuA9gGXsV6b0eeULgh29eEeyipSUheIiGy8ElQmmJktC5a7zwqvRneKl/VEPreB4Gd3NoJGmJQFSi2qv9zRAaQAeqhXbLIc7jdcjcpRrrLSDelER7/MSUcR/0qO7EISnnIHY65Xyz+FvWIgfzayqhKTWa3wDvfK3jMoUUIpatNmq5YJeOXlTw5KLWOuEyV85wmPQ1VG/jrumzprU8GUS7C+bXwC52UxgGWKzVr0JQ/heY3rZTzyE4EX60RODPMXTI92ybJmrBhU2StY2K5Sh/aYEyD7W9xaEqGsqB++xE11Tpjm2Q=="




Where the data object contains the following payload:

keystringThe Key Certificate. This certificate will be expected in base64 encoding by the Mobile SDK.

Possible errors:

Error codeDescription
400 Bad RequestThere was an error with the request, no installer code, or invalid installer code.
401 UnauthorizedThe accessToken is invalid or has been revoked.
403 ForbiddenThe accessToken is valid, but the owner of the token was not granted access to the resource.


Getting the Key Certificate for a lock that has been provisioned.

Returns the DLock’s resource if the DLock has been registered to the api key owner.


Example request:

GET /v1/dlock/0000051a00000000?base64=true 


Authorization: Bearer 181d415f34379af07b2c11d144dfbe35d.181d415f34379af07b2c11d144dfbe35d.181d415f34379af07b2c11d144dfbe35d

Content-Type: application/json

Accept: application/json

Accept-Charset: utf-8

The GET request requires the serial number of the lock for which the Key Certificate is requested.

Note the request can have a parameter:


When the base64 parameter is present and equals true, the returned certificate will be base64 encoded.


Example response with base64 = true:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


"status": 200,

"msg": "DLock registered successfully",

"data": {




Example response with base64 = false:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


"status": 200,

"msg": "DLock registered successfully",

"data": {

"key": {

"type": "key",

"issuer": "customer",

"valid": 0,

"expires": 0,

"data": {},

"key": "JhbnYdsos2q+VDPASclDDKdXMZ3yK42/JM+A/2d2Zq1GTM3MkyD+As/S0hbUAls454F/NtBtbXHOsvCDGhorD1/lK2wFIB5o6K7N2R+nqlGfcQldiouYZI7t/POgs7li0oigF587y9aB6CAa2T8QbpbMYC6SdIkpXLw792VAsFP45hzyd+gn3Y0HoJtYLH86V2qbQvAeKdlqWxwb26LnJA8IeSs0/bx+1APe9GT5V30iDdUqPu5fAxurJrGisiZDr7mZLLPoFe90Yw3aveiCt8LDCMQBw3UnhtD3kQAzkRanVQWbsJOFy7RRBqI2t/4Pok97bYOPU6SrZQ9fdHLv+w==",

"signature": "larO9Zty6nCG3DL64METR3yxDseSvgEshf7u6cuA9gGXsV6b0eeULgh29eEeyipSUheIiGy8ElQmmJktC5a7zwqvRneKl/VEPreB4Gd3NoJGmJQFSi2qv9zRAaQAeqhXbLIc7jdcjcpRrrLSDelER7/MSUcR/0qO7EISnnIHY65Xyz+FvWIgfzayqhKTWa3wDvfK3jMoUUIpatNmq5YJeOXlTw5KLWOuEyV85wmPQ1VG/jrumzprU8GUS7C+bXwC52UxgGWKzVr0JQ/heY3rZTzyE4EX60RODPMXTI92ybJmrBhU2StY2K5Sh/aYEyD7W9xaEqGsqB++xE11Tpjm2Q=="




Where the data object contains the following payload:

keystringThe Key Certificate. This certificate will be expected in base64 encoding by the Mobile SDK.

Possible errors:

Error codeDescription
401 UnauthorizedThe accessToken is invalid or has been revoked.
404 Not FoundThe Lock Serial Number was not found. The lock was not registered to the owner of the API key.


Deletes the Dlock’s resource if the Dlock has been registered to the api key owner.


Example request:

DELETE /v1/dlock/0000051a00000000 HTTP/1.1


Authorization: Bearer 181d415f34379af07b2c11d144dfbe35d.181d415f34379af07b2c11d144dfbe35d.181d415f34379af07b2c11d144dfbe35d

Content-Type: application/json

Accept: application/json

Accept-Charset: utf-8


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Possible errors:

Error codeDescription
401 UnauthorizedThe accessToken is invalid or has been revoked.
404 Not FoundThe Lock Serial Number was not found. The lock was not registered to the owner of the API key.



PUT and Patch will return

Error codeDescription
405 Method Not AllowedNo such method